Player Profile

Player: (Eg: Carlsen,Magnus)

Shaw, Terrey Ian

Years: 1968-1996
Number of games: 318
Number of wins: 122
Number of draws: 94
Number of losses: 102
White score: 92/157 (58.6% - Average Elo: 2351.3)
Black score: 77/161 (47.83% - Average Elo: 2353.01)

Rating progression

(Year: 1996 - Elo: 2300) (Year: 1995 - Elo: 2300) (Year: 1990 - Elo: 2280) (Year: 1988 - Elo: 2191) (Year: 1987 - Elo: 2224) (Year: 1986 - Elo: 2305) (Year: 1985 - Elo: 2305) (Year: 1984 - Elo: 2320) (Year: 1983 - Elo: 2315) (Year: 1982 - Elo: 2355) (Year: 1981 - Elo: 2355) (Year: 1980 - Elo: 2330) (Year: 1979 - Elo: 2355) (Year: 1978 - Elo: 2385) (Year: 1977 - Elo: 2385) (Year: 1976 - Elo: 2390) (Year: 1975 - Elo: 2097) (Year: 1974 - Elo: 2097) (Year: 1973 - Elo: 2097)

White wins
White draws
White losses
Black wins
Black draws
Black losses

Top wins

Shaw, Terrey Ian - ? (126)

? - Shaw, Terrey Ian (132)

Openings played as White (41)

Openings played as Black (85)